速報APP / 通訊 / Peter Push to Talk Walkie Talkie

Peter Push to Talk Walkie Talkie





版本需求:Android 4.4W 以上版本



聯絡地址:Redhill, Surrey, UK

Peter Push to Talk Walkie Talkie(圖1)-速報App

PETER app works like a Walkie-Talkie radio: push the button to communicate with people around you via audio messages. You have to have Mobile Data or Wi-Fi to use the service. Give it a try!

Using it is extremely simple: just push the "Push to Talk" button and speak to send a message. Then listen to other person to respond.

Peter Push to Talk Walkie Talkie(圖2)-速報App

You need to invite other persons to install the app, so you have who to communicate with.

Notes: 1. Currently the radius is about 15 km around the place where your phone is located, and this is why the GPS location needs to be activated on your phone

2. When you use PETER for the first time Android will ask your permission to use the microphone as well as the location. The app only works if you give PETER these permissions.